Saturday, 17 December 2011

Steam Annoyances

So yeah, I’m still a bit undecided about Steam. On the one hand, it’s brilliant in that you can readily get new games and updates and such and everything magically happens in the background – the fact that you don’t have to install stuff is amazing. On the other hand, it’s a closed platform that could use a bit of opening up.

Motorola XOOM: A Third Look

So the big difference between then and now is that I bought a Samsung Galaxy S2 and wow does that purchase ever change things. The SGS2 makes almost every device on the market that isn’t a variant of the SGS2 look bad and this handedly includes the XOOM. Other than some very tablet-specific apps (like those that take advantage of fragments) and for applications where resolution changes everything, there’s almost nothing that the SGS2 can’t do better than my venerable “old” XOOM.

Fenix TK35 & TK70

I bought a Fenix TK35 sometime around the beginning of this year and it is a magnificent and impressive light. Having the second toggle button takes some getting used to though (my previous lights being of the more compact, tactical variety), however, this is an exceptionally solid light that I can rely on when the zombie apocalypse comes.
Well a couple months ago, I bought the [then] new Fenix TK70 making it the most… everything light in my little collection. While I love the light, there are some gripes I have with it (and nothing to do with weight/size).