Monday, 26 September 2011


Some food for thought: it’s a good idea to have [several] hobbies, interests and passions. This notion, most people can agree to. What follows is a bit curious: we are often intensely repulsed by each other’s hobbies, interests and passions. This isn’t a good thing or a bad thing – it’s just a thing. Of course, we are not obligated to take a similar interest in the hobbies, interests and passions of our colleagues. The speed at which we segment our peers based on their interests is astounding though.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Android Diaries, Part 6: Keeping everything safe

I guess I got a bit ahead of myself with the rooting and custom ROMs. I mentioned briefly about how it’s strongly recommended to back everything up, but I guess I didn’t quite talk about how to exactly go about doing this! Never too late, read on.

Android Diaries, Part 5: Custom ROMS

In my last look at SGS2, I overviewed getting root access and getting core utilities installed and in place. Now most people can call it a day and move on with their lives knowing they have proper admin privileges on their phone. For me, the phone was almost perfect… only a few things really outstanding that were bugging me – but they bugged me enough, so the default configuration had to go.