- Risen. (launch price $50, currently $50). A positively wonderful game all around (read my take on it here), I cant see myself shelling out $50 for it. Ideally I'd be waiting until $20-25 but the quality and experience is good enough for me to consider it at $30.
- Prototype (launch price $50, currently $30). Loads of fun, but never was this ever even close to a $50 title. Pricing it at $50 is just a side effect of being an EA blockbuster title. The current price tag is a bit easier to swallow but I'll be waiting until it's closer to $15.
- FEAR2 Project Origin (launch price $50, currently $50) and FEAR2 Reborn DLC (launch price $10, currently $10). A solid game for sure (particularly the DLC), but I'd be hard pressed to value it at $50. Compared to the original, FEAR2 definitely comes up lacking in terms of draw-you-in gameplay and horror-mechanics. While the title has it's moments (when you're first introduced to the crawlers or the puppetmasters), the charm wears off more quickly and you're left with a brainless shooter. I'll be waiting for this to drop to $25 for the combo.
- Crysis (launch price $50, currently $30) and Crysis WarHead (launch price $40, currently $30). There was a Christmas sale for both of these for $25 I think, I guess I should have nabbed it then. Then again, having played through both games, I wouldn't say they are worth the $25 bundle price. At least not from a gameplay perspective. From a benchmark/stresstesting perspective, definitely worth it. There's always next Christmas
- Perimeter 2 (launch price $30, currently $30). While this is a totally wonderful and genuinely challenging game (at least based on by experience with the first one), for such a niche title, I wouldn't say it's worth the $30. I'll be waiting for this to be in the $10-15 range.
- Sacred 2 Fallen Angel (launch price $50, currently, $30). I already own this, but it's a relatively good price for what you're getting. To be frank, the price could probably use a reduction as Ascaron went bankrupt! (t'is a real shame).
- Fallout 3 GOTY (launch price $50, currently $50). Solid game and as much as I hated the blending of diceroll and fps combat mechanics, was pretty good. For better or for worse this game was built on the oblivion engine -- and having spent countless hours (or days) on that engine, Fallout3 is somewhat of a cakewalk. The downside is that F3 is noticeably less action-oriented, which left me feeling bored. To me, this should be priced at $30, but I'll be waiting for it to drop to $25 before I consider it.
- Serious Sam HD (launch price $20, currently $20). I already own it (read my review on it here) but this is loads of fun and the refreshed engine is gorgeous. Is it overpriced what amounts of a [major] cosmetic overhaul? Perhaps. but I never really played the original. I will, however, be waiting for the sequel. While I'd consider this game at $20, it's probably better suited to the $15 segment.
- Killing Floor (launch price $20, currently $20). For the sheer amount of time I've put into this game (800hrs+), I've gotten my fair share of value from it (read my review here). This game regularly has price drops down to $10 or $5 so definitely a title to keep your eye out for.
- STALKER - Shadow of Chernobyl (launch price $50, currently $20) and STALKER Clear Sky (launch price $20, currently $10). While the original was not $50 worth of gameplay, their current prices definitely reflect some serious bang for buck.
- Dark Messiah Might and Magic (launch price $50, currently $10) Pretty tempted by this pricewise, but I dont really care to play it any time soon (and I dont expect the price to go up), so I'll be waiting for that random price drop.
Last updated: Feb 8 2010
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