Monday, 8 February 2010

Some Steam titles to keep an eye our for...

A few of the titles I'll be keeping an eye out for price drops for! With the exception of Perimeter 2 and STALKER Clear Sky, I think I've played through (and beaten) all of these games (some of them excessively so), but for some reason or another, they just dont strike that sense of worth for the asking price. But that's what random sales (and the Christmas sales) are for!

  • Risen. (launch price $50, currently $50). A positively wonderful game all around (read my take on it here), I cant see myself shelling out $50 for it. Ideally I'd be waiting until $20-25 but the quality and experience is good enough for me to consider it at $30.
  • Prototype (launch price $50, currently $30). Loads of fun, but never was this ever even close to a $50 title. Pricing it at $50 is just a side effect of being an EA blockbuster title. The current price tag is a bit easier to swallow but I'll be waiting until it's closer to $15.
  • FEAR2 Project Origin (launch price $50, currently $50) and FEAR2 Reborn DLC (launch price $10, currently $10). A solid game for sure (particularly the DLC), but I'd be hard pressed to value it at $50. Compared to the original, FEAR2 definitely comes up lacking in terms of draw-you-in gameplay and horror-mechanics. While the title has it's moments (when you're first introduced to the crawlers or the puppetmasters), the charm wears off more quickly and you're left with a brainless shooter. I'll be waiting for this to drop to $25 for the combo.
  • Crysis (launch price $50, currently $30) and Crysis WarHead (launch price $40, currently $30). There was a Christmas sale for both of these for $25 I think, I guess I should have nabbed it then. Then again, having played through both games, I wouldn't say they are worth the $25 bundle price. At least not from a gameplay perspective. From a benchmark/stresstesting perspective, definitely worth it. There's always next Christmas
  • Perimeter 2 (launch price $30, currently $30). While this is a totally wonderful and genuinely challenging game (at least based on by experience with the first one), for such a niche title, I wouldn't say it's worth the $30. I'll be waiting for this to be in the $10-15 range.
  • Sacred 2 Fallen Angel (launch price $50, currently, $30). I already own this, but it's a relatively good price for what you're getting. To be frank, the price could probably use a reduction as Ascaron went bankrupt! (t'is a real shame).
  • Fallout 3 GOTY (launch price $50, currently $50). Solid game and as much as I hated the blending of diceroll and fps combat mechanics, was pretty good. For better or for worse this game was built on the oblivion engine -- and having spent countless hours (or days) on that engine, Fallout3 is somewhat of a cakewalk. The downside is that F3 is noticeably less action-oriented, which left me feeling bored. To me, this should be priced at $30, but I'll be waiting for it to drop to $25 before I consider it.
  • Serious Sam HD (launch price $20, currently $20). I already own it (read my review on it here) but this is loads of fun and the refreshed engine is gorgeous. Is it overpriced what amounts of a [major] cosmetic overhaul? Perhaps. but I never really played the original. I will, however, be waiting for the sequel. While I'd consider this game at $20, it's probably better suited to the $15 segment.
  • Killing Floor (launch price $20, currently $20). For the sheer amount of time I've put into this game (800hrs+), I've gotten my fair share of value from it (read my review here). This game regularly has price drops down to $10 or $5 so definitely a title to keep your eye out for.
  • STALKER - Shadow of Chernobyl (launch price $50, currently $20) and STALKER Clear Sky (launch price $20, currently $10). While the original was not $50 worth of gameplay, their current prices definitely reflect some serious bang for buck.
  • Dark Messiah Might and Magic (launch price $50, currently $10)  Pretty tempted by this pricewise, but I dont really care to play it any time soon (and I dont expect the price to go up), so I'll be waiting for that random price drop.

Last updated: Feb 8 2010

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